VMware vSphere – using partedUtil command

The partedUtil command was introduced in vSphere 5.0. To use partedUtil commant, you need know naa. of your datastore. Onthe  DX80 storage is the newest VMFS file system, which was introduced in vSphere 6.5 – VMFS 6.81

[root@esx1:/dev/disks]  esxcli storage vmfs extent list
Volume Name       VMFS UUID                            Extent Number  Device Name                           Partition
----------------  -----------------------------------  -------------  ------------------------------------  ---------
ESXi1-local       57a32fbb-d098f1c4-1720-002219861349              0  naa.6002219088d75c0010a6f8e5126050eb          3
IFN_DS3024_RAID6  5873e252-b85da628-17a4-002219861349              0  naa.600d0231000009c5446c510e45edc30b          1
IFN_DS3024_RAID5  587511d6-8b8fef56-db39-002219861349              0  naa.600d0231000009c55efb4d0d18dafa72          1
FJTS              589ca58f-2252fdfc-8123-002219861349              0  naa.600000e00d00000000010bc100000000          1
[root@esx1:~] partedUtil get /vmfs/devices/disks/naa.600d0231000009c55efb4d0d18dafa72
1700341 255 63 27315990528
1 2048 27315990494 0 0

for my testing purposes i selected Fujitsu Storage DX 80 with naa.600d0231000009c55efb4d0d18dafa72

1700341 255 63 27315990528
1 2048 27315990494 0 0

The first line is disk geometry informations – cylinders, heads, sectors per track and logical block address count (LBA) The second line is informations about the partitions. On DX80 is only 1 partition, and it starts at LBA 2048 and ends at LBA 27315990494.

  • VMFS-2 created on ESX 2.x; starting LBA 63
  • VMFS-3 created on ESX 3 & 4; starting LBA 128
  • VMFS-5 created on ESXi 5; starting LBA 2048
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