Commvault Hyperscale X deployment – Please ensure corresponding bonds across all nodes

Commvault Hyperscale X deployment – Please ensure corresponding bonds across all nodes

i just stated a configuring a another 3 commvault hyperscale x nodes on the customer, all is done remotelly via Dell iDRAC virtual console. All hsx nodes have a same config and same settings, which was deployed via hsxsetup. The customer wants use a Bonded Topology With 1 GbE Management Network . 

The settings, which i made on all nodes: 

  • 2 x 1 GbE – bond1 – commserve registration network | enpfs1 + enpfs2 | active-passive mode 
  • 2 x 10 GbE – bond2 – storage network |  enpfs4 + ens8f0np0 | active-passive mode 
  • 2 x 10 GbE – bond3 – data protection network | enpfs3 + ens8f0np1 | active-passive mode 


when i have a configured a last node of this custer i start a deploying a hsx cluster, but i have a error, but the config is on all nodes same. 

deep dive to the hsx networking:

open a iDrac console to all nodes and verifying Active-Backup Bonding Configuration 

login as user root with cvadmin password

run the following command for every bond – 1,2,3 : cat /proc/net/bonding/<bond interface> 

on the node 31 i have a FT policy 

but for unknown reasons the node 33 had Round-Robin policy ???? 

so i run a hsxsetup on the node 33 and destroy a bond1 and re-created it ( the new bond1 was created with FT policy) and now deployment of HSX was sucesfully done. 



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