Commvault installation fails with – Failed to download „DotNetCoreWindowsHosting“

Commvault installation fails with – Failed to download „DotNetCoreWindowsHosting“

I just started with installation of the Commvault on the Windows Server 2022. I used the latest Commvault_Media_11_32, but i got an error message Failed to download „DotNetCoreWindowsHosting“. So i connected to the anoter commvault instance on my lab and i saw in Programs, that the same Commvault version using the „ASP.NET Core 6.0 Runtime (v6.0.23) – Windows Hosting“. 

So i downloaded the ASP.NET Core 6.0 Runtime (v6.0.23) – Windows Hosting and install it on the new Comserve machine and installation sucessfully continues. 



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