Dell PowerEdge Server – Virtual drives handled by BIOS, 11912 SEL FULL

Dnes se mi do rukou dostal postarší kousek Dell PowerEdge 2900, mým úkolem bylo vytvořit 2 RAID groupy a to RAID1 na systém a poté RAID5 na data, jakmile byly groupy hotové i zinicializované tak nastal problém…


Po restartu server zamrznul na hlášce 2 Virtual drives handled by BIOS.


Tak jsem tedy otevřel konzoli PERC 6/i Integrated BIOS Configuration Utility, zde se zdálo vše v pořádku.


Ovšem po chvilce jsem jsi všimnul, že na dispayi serveru se zobrazila hláška 11912 SEL FULL…


A to znamená jedinou věc,  to, že System Event Log je plný… Nejjednodušší cestou jak jej promazat je přihlásit se do iDRACu 🙂

Po promazání a restartu server funguje jak má  😎

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1 komentář u „Dell PowerEdge Server – Virtual drives handled by BIOS, 11912 SEL FULL

  1. Owen Reagovat


    I was wondering if someone can tell me how to turn off PowerEdge RAID Controller BIOS notification?
    Every time I turn on my computer it gives this message;

    “..It says
    2 virtual Drive (S) found on the host adapter.
    2 Virtual Drive (S) handled by BIOS”

    I just don’t want to see them as I am running a local computer, it’s actually taking a few seconds to boot my computer, so I how do I turn off? I checked the BIOS but didn’t see any options for it, as well as I looked into RAID Controller setting but can’t find anything to turn this off.
    My computer is Dell Precision T5600

    Thanks people!

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