PowerVault ME5: Web Graphical User Interface (GUI) stops at The application is loading

PowerVault ME5: Web Graphical User Interface (GUI) stops at The application is loading

another DELL PowerVault ME5024 and another problems with GUI, While launching the PowerVault Manager user interface console of a ME5 series array, it may stop at 0% loading after entering the array login credentials as shown below:

The application is loading hangs
The application is loading hangs


So i tried to login from the bottom controller but, situation was exacly same like on the TOP controller. 

Restarting the management service on one of the controllers can help to access the Web user interface. This action does not impact production.   Open an SSH session to the PowerVault controller management interface and run the following command: 

restart mc full


Its very strange, that i have a latest firmware ME5., but the DELL says that this bug was fixed in ME5. firmware.

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