Ubuntu Linux 20.04 – Wait for network to be configured

Ubuntu Linux 20.04 – Wait for network to be configured

I just deployed Linux Hardered Repository for Immutable backup, which is new feature in Veeam Backup and Replication v11. As usual i configured the network settings.The server has 2x 1 GbE adapters, which are not connected and 2 x 10 GbE adapters, which are connected to: 

  • 1x 10 GbE to core switch
  • 1x 10 GbE directly to iSCSI storage array as backup repository

after reboot the server hangs on „Wait for network to be configured“ for 2 minutes and volume was not connected (iscsi volume is configured in fstab). When i manually put the command „mount -a“ the volume for backups was connected, but why is not connected after reboot automatically ? 

The solution is simple. 

For some reasons the disconnected adapters – in my case 2x 1 GbE adapters still waiting for network and  for some reason the volume will not automount after reboot. 

Just add „optional: true“ in neplan config to disconnected adapters and issue with „Wait for network to be configured“ is resloved ! 

just add „optional: true“

dont forget add to fstab defaults,auto,_netdev

for example

UUID=b356053b-e97c-4e97-aba0-60xxxxxxxx /veeam xfs defaults,auto,_netdev 0 0

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