Wyse Management Suite – WYSE 5070 info missing

Wyse Management Suite – WYSE 5070 info missing

One of my customer had some issues with WYSE 5070 Windows 10 IoT, motherboard was replaced and the WYSE was like „brand new“, so we put in in the network. The WYSE was UP, i can use VNC to remote connection, but some info are missing like Service Tag, Last User info, BIOS version, etc. 

Tenký klient Wyse 5070 PC | Dell Česká republika

On the DELL community i found solution from Dell Wyse engineer, so here we go:

  1. Log into WMS, locate device with missing info, the click on the Device Name to open its „Device Details“ page.
  2. Click, „Unregister“ (upper right), the click, „Force Unregistration“ in pop-up box, „Send Command“
  3. One the same „Device Details“ page, click the „More Actions“ drop-down, and click Delete.
  4. In the pop-up box, fill in a reason for deleting, then „Send Command“.
  5. Go back to the „Devices“ tab (where all of the devices are listed), change the „Status“ drop-down to „Not Registered“. The Wyse you just deleted should be listed.
  6. Check the box, next to said device, then click the „More Actions“ drop-down, and select „Delete“
  7. In the pop-up box, again fill in a reason for deleting and „Send Command“
  8. Rebooted said Wyse
  9. Once rebooted, go back to WMS > Dashboard, and you should see a „1“ next to „Enrollment Pending“ (far right of page). Click on it to open it up & your device should be listed, and the serial number should be showing as well.
  10. Check the box for said device, the click „Validate Enrollment“. In pop-up, click „Send Command“.
  11. Go to the „Devices“ tab, if necessary, use the search field (upper right) and find your device.
  12. Check the box for said device, click the „More Actions“ drop-down, then „Change Group“ and move it to the correct group.

The above steps resolve my issue with the missing Serial Number, & Last User. I hope this helps you and anyone else in the future.

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