Hyper-V VM move fails with error 0x8009030D (credentials not recognized)

Hyper-V VM move fails with error 0x8009030D (credentials not recognized)

when i trying move a virutual machine from Hyper-V 2012 host to Hyper-V 2016 host i got this error 0x8009030D few seconds after starting the move operation.

error message

The resolution

First of all check your settings of Live Migration on source and destination Hyper-V nodes. Settings of Authentication protocol must be same on both servers (source x destination). I´m  recomending to use Kerberos.

now you need set up delegation for source and destination Hyper-V host in Active Directory Users and Computers. Open ADUC and find your Hyper-V host computer account and open Propertis and navigate to Delegation.

Select Trust this computer for delegation to specified services only and Use any authentivation protocol, now click to Add… and choose computer account of another Hyper-V host.

You Add need two services

  • cifs – to migrate storage
  • Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service – to migrate VM

And repead this action for second hyper-v host ! for example: On hyperv01 set hyperv02 , on hyperv02 set hyperv01.

Log off and log back to both hyper-v nodes (the Kerberos ticket must be updated before you start moving VM)

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