Upgrading vCenter Server to 8.0 U2 fails with precheck error „Source vSphere ESX Agent Manager (EAM) upgrade failed to obtain EAM URLs to check against trusted certificates by the System“

I just stated updating the customer VMware VCSA ( VMware vCenter Server Appliance) from version 7.0.3 build 19480866 to version 8.0.2 23504390. Stage 2 pre-check fails with error message: 

Error: Source vSphere ESX Agent Manager (EAM) upgrade failed to obtain EAM URLs to check against trusted certificates by the System! Resolution: Verify that the ESX Agent Manager extension is running properly on the source vCenter Server instance and https://VC_IP/eam/mob presents correct data. If log in to the MOB is not successful, try resolving the issue with https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/94934.



As part of the EAM upgrade pre-checks, an EAM client is created to retrieve all EAM agencies and perform necessary SSL trust checks. This step might not succeed if an EAM client cannot be created because the EAM service is unable to log in to vCenter. This can occur due to a discrepancy between the „vpxd-extension“ certificate stored in VECS and the certificate information stored in the vCenter Server Database for the EAM extension.



Update the extension’s certificate using fixcerts script:

  • Download the attached fixcerts script – from the VMware (broadcom) KB  –  can be found at the very bottom of the page.
  • Copy the downloaded script to VCSA – i used the cyberduck, also you can use for example WinSCP. 
  • Execute the script using below arguments to update the extensions
    • python fixcerts.py update –-ExtensionType all
python fixcerts.py update –ExtensionType all
after running the script you can continue with stage 2 pre-check
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