Wyse Management Suite – client the policy is not applied and i cant reboot device

Wyse Management Suite – client the policy is not applied and i cant reboot device

The customer has upgraded WMS console to the and some WDA agents on WYSE 5070 thin clients with Win 10 Enterprise LTSC ( to version and some of client stopped communicated with WMS server and were a non-compliant and had status „last checkin 7 days ago“ 

From the WMS console the client policy is not applied, cant reboot or query device. 

When i connected to the problematic thin client and open the WDA log i saw error message:  WebException returned ProtocolError – The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.

The solution, which is in my case works:

Clear the known info on the TC pertaining to the WMS server, edit the following file on the TC that does not check in with WMS:

C:\Program Files\Wyse\WDA\Config\CCMProtocolConfig.xml

At the bottom of that file, under <AgentConfig>, delete only the values within the following tags ( i.e.: <Tag>Value</Tag>

  • <OwnerId></OwnerId>
  • <WyseID></WyseID>
  • <AuthenticationCode></AuthenticationCode>
  • <MacAddress></MacAddress> 

Save the file and reboot the Thin Client.

Check WMS and within about one minute the TC will be registered.

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